5 Financial Resolutions to Kickstart the New Year

Dec 6, 2023 by Zazil Martinez

Discover the essentials to thrive in the new year. From streamlining expenses to embracing digital payments, we provide actionable steps for success. Join us in securing a resilient financial future.

With the turn of the year, many people take advantage of the fresh start to set resolutions and improve their lives. The new year also offers this opportunity for companies. It is an excellent time to reflect on their strategies and set resolutions that will lead to success.

B2B companies can also benefit from setting financial resolutions for the new year, helping to improve and optimize their operations.

In this article, we'll explore why these resolutions are crucial to the growth of B2B companies and how to achieve them.


1. Streamline Expense Management

B2B companies often face very particular challenges. These include managing multiple suppliers, large-scale transactions, and complex approval processes.

By streamlining expense management, companies can save costs and increase operational efficiency, leading to better resource allocation and financial health. Streamlining processes also helps improve visibility into companies' financial activities. This allows for better control of expenses and the transparency needed to make strategic decisions.


How to Achieve this Resolution?

Modern tools like Paystand offer real-time tracking, receipt scanning, and automated workflows. These play a critical role in streamlining the cumbersome expense claim process. Automation helps reduce manual errors, speed up approval cycles, and minimize administrative burdens.

Auditing and regularly updating expense policies is also essential to streamline expense management. They ensure that business needs and industry standards are aligned. These reviews also help identify potential areas for improvement and reinforce compliance with financial guidelines.


2. Optimize Cash Flow Processes

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. For B2B companies, efficient management is essential. Optimizing cash flow processes is not just about financial stability; it's about gaining a competitive edge in the market.

The ever-changing economic landscape directly affects B2B transactions. Companies must be prepared to navigate uncertainties such as inflation rates and global economic changes. Understanding these market dynamics is crucial to maintaining a healthy cash flow.

Especially in times of economic uncertainty, having a healthy cash flow enables B2B companies to meet unforeseen financial challenges. It helps anticipate changes in demand, supply chain disruptions, and customer behavior.

Positive cash flow gives B2B companies the financial flexibility to take advantage of strategic opportunities that may arise, such as investments, business expansion, or acquisitions.


How to Achieve this Resolution?

Efficient invoicing is the foundation of healthy cash flow. B2B companies can adopt automated invoicing systems to reduce errors and speed up payment cycles. Implementing technology to track and manage receivables ensures steady funds by minimizing delays.

B2B companies can enhance their cash flow management with:

  • Efficient accounts receivable (AR) management. Implement clear credit policies for your customers and closely follow payment deadlines. You can also negotiate terms and offer early payment discounts when possible.
  • Automation technology and financial management systems. Use systems and software that make tracking and project cash flow easy. Automating AR processes will also help reduce errors and streamline invoice and payment management.
  • Constant cash flow tracking. Regularly monitor cash flow. This helps to identify potential gaps and take preventive measures when necessary.


3. Embrace Digital Payment Solutions

B2B companies should consider adopting digital payments because of their efficiency, speed, and security benefits.

This shift involves using electronic technologies and platforms for financial transactions instead of traditional paper-based methods. This shift may be particularly relevant in the B2B arena for several reasons.

  • Streamlining business transactions. It eliminates the need to deal with physical checks or traditional wire transfers that are often slow and error-prone. With digital solutions, companies can make payments and receive funds faster and more efficiently, improving the fluidity of business operations.
  • Enhancing security. Digital payments often feature advanced security measures like data encryption and multi-factor authentication. This reduces the risk of fraud and ensures the integrity of transactions. In B2B, where money sums are often considerable, this additional security is essential to protect the companies' assets and reputation.
  • Strengthening customer relationships. The ability to transact quickly and efficiently can enhance the customer experience and, in turn, strengthen loyalty and long-term collaboration.

Adopting digital payment solutions in 2024 is a technological upgrade and a strategic move. It can impact efficiency, security, customer satisfaction, and competitiveness for B2B businesses.


How to Achieve this Resolution?

To achieve the adoption of digital payments, B2B companies can take a few key steps. First, educating stakeholders about the benefits of digital payments is crucial, highlighting the efficiency, security, and transparency they offer. In addition, implementing digital payment solutions, such as those provided by platforms like Paystand, allows companies to facilitate electronic transactions quickly and securely.

By integrating these solutions into their financial processes, businesses can successfully transition to digital payments. Collaboration with suppliers and partners to ensure widespread adoption is also critical to maximizing the benefits of this transformation.


4. Enhance Cybersecurity Measures

B2B companies must intensify their cybersecurity measures in 2024 due to the increasing sophistication and frequency of cyber threats. In the digital age, information is a critical asset. From confidential customer data to business strategies, everything is stored digitally.

Cyber threats come not only from individuals but also from organized groups. They look for vulnerabilities in companies' digital defenses to gain access. They aim to steal sensitive data, disrupt business operations, or even spy to gain a competitive advantage.

In the B2B environment, trust is critical. A successful cyberattack compromises a company's security and affects trust between partners and customers. Loss of trust can have significant financial repercussions and long-term reputational damage.


How to Achieve this Resolution?

Cybersecurity must involve the entire organization, from top management to every employee. To strengthen their cybersecurity measures, B2B companies can implement several key strategies:

  • Blockchain for data security. The blockchain is a decentralized, secure blockchain used to protect data integrity. By storing critical information on a blockchain, an immutable and transparent record is created that makes unauthorized tampering difficult.
  • Tokenization of sensitive data. Tokenization involves replacing sensitive data with non-reversible tokens. In cybersecurity, this means that even if an attacker gains access to the information, they will only see tokens instead of the actual data.
  • Smart contracts for secure transactions. Smart contracts can be used to facilitate and secure business transactions. Implementing smart contracts in a blockchain network reduces the risk of fraud and improves transparency in business interactions.


5. Invest in Financial Education for Employees

B2B companies increasingly recognize the importance of investing in their employees' financial education, especially in accounts receivable.

The role of AR professionals is crucial in a company's financial cycle. They manage transactions that directly impact cash flow and overall financial health. By investing in their education, B2B companies seek to strengthen their capabilities to manage financial processes more effectively, minimizing risk and optimizing financial performance.

In addition, financial education provides the ability to better understand the risks associated with customers and different payment methods. This allows for more informed decision-making, improving the ability to prevent potential financial problems and reduce delinquencies. By understanding the critical aspects of financial management, these professionals can identify early warning signs and take proactive measures to mitigate any negative impact.


How to Achieve this Resolution?

In this context, B2B companies need to consider specialized educational resources to enhance financial management. One outstanding option is to explore the educational content provided by Paystand.

Investing in your employees' financial education with Paystand's resources will strengthen their financial management skills. From understanding credit card fees to optimizing collection processes, our educational resources cover vital aspects to improve your company's performance.


Bonus Resolution: Book a Demo with Paystand

Paystand is an innovative solution that addresses common business challenges in an increasingly digitized business world.

Paystand simplifies and streamlines the payment process. This enables companies to manage their transactions more efficiently. We offer payment methods tailored to each company's needs. Customers can customize their payment processes to meet their particular requirements.

Paystand adapts to the evolving financial landscape by integrating emerging technologies. Companies working with us invest in an up-to-date solution, preparing for the payments and commerce transactions future.

Booking a demo with Paystand in 2024 translates into modernizing your financial processes. From simplifying payments to improving security and transparency, we will strengthen your company in an increasingly competitive environment.